Alexander Izhitskiy

Alexander Izhitskiy
- 2011 - specialist degree in Oceanology, Department of Oceanology, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- 2015 - Ph.D. in Oceanology, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Research Interests:
- physical coastal oceanography, regional oceanography
- distribution of continental runoff in shelf waters
- Aral Sea hydrological dynamics
Science articles
Water Balance of the Regulated Arid Lake as an Indicator of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impact: The North (Small) Aral Sea Case Study
Water MDPI, 2023. Alexander Izhitskiy and Georgy Ayzel
pdfEffect of Variations in the Ion-Salt Water Composition on the Accuracy of Salinity Measurements
Морской гидрофизический журнал, 2022. N. Yu. Andrulionis, P. O. Zavialov, A. S. Izhitskiy
pdfModern Evolution of the Salt Composition of the Residual Basins of the Aral Sea
Oceanology, 2022. N. Yu. Andrulionisa, P. O. Zavialov, and A. S Izhitskiy
pdfDissolved Methane in CoastalWaters of the Northeastern Black Sea
Water MDPI, 2022. Elena S. Izhitskaya, Alexander V. Egorov, Alexander S. Izhitskiy, Osmar O. Möller, Jr. and Peter O. Zavialov
pdfCurrent Evolution of the Salt Composition of Waters in the Western Basin of the South Aral Sea
Marine Chemistry, 2021. N. Yu. Andrulionis, P. O. Zavialov, and A. S. Izhitskiy
pdfThe world’s largest heliothermal lake newly formed in the Aral Sea basin
Environmental Research Letters, 2021. Izhitskiy, A. S., Kirillin, G. B., Goncharenko, I. V., Kurbaniyazov, A. K., & Zavialov, P. O.
pdfClimate Change Impact Assessment on Freshwater Inflow into the Small Aral Sea
Water MDPI, 2019. Georgy Ayzel and Alexander Izhitskiy
pdfDissolved methane in the residual basins of the Aral Sea
Environmental Research Letters, 2019. E.S. Izhitskaya, A.V. Egorov, P.O. Zavialov, E.V. Yakushev, A.S. Izhitskiy
pdfHigh resolution LiDAR measurements reveal fine internal structure and variability of sediment-carrying coastal plume
P.O. Zavialov, V.V. Pelevin, N.A. Belyaev, A.S. Izhitskiy, B.V. Konovalov, V.V. Krementskiy, I.V. Goncharenko, A.A. Osadchiev, D.M. Soloviev, C.A.E. Garcia, E.S. Pereira, L. Sartorato, O.O. Moller Jr.
pdfNew profiling and mooring records help to assess variability of Lake Issyk-Kul and reveal unknown features of its thermohaline structure
Peter O. Zavialov, Alexander S. Izhitskiy, Georgiy B. Kirillin, Valentina M. Khan, Boris V. Konovalov, Peter N. Makkaveev, Vadim V. Pelevin, Nikolay A. Rimskiy-Korsakov, Salmor A. Alymkulov, and Kubanychbek M. Zhumaliev
pdfHydrophysical State of the Gulf of Feodosia in May 2015
Oceanology, 2017. Izhitskiy A.S., Zavialov P.O.
pdfStructure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017. A. A. Osadchiev, A. S. Izhitskiy, P. O. Zavialov, V. V. Kremenetskiy, A. A. Polukhin, V. V. Pelevin, and Z. M. Toktamysova
pdfPresent state of the Aral Sea: diverging physical and biological characteristics of the residual basins
Scientific Reports, 2016. A. S. Izhitskiy, P. O. Zavialov, P. V. Sapozhnikov, G. B. Kirillin, H. P. Grossart, O. Y. Kalinina, A. K. Zalota, I. V. Goncharenko & A. K. Kurbaniyazov
pdfThe Structure of Thermohaline and BioOptical Fields in the Surface Layer of the Kara Sea in September 2011
Oceanology, 2015. P. O. Zavialov, A. S. Izhitskiy, A. A. Osadchiev, V. V. Pelevin, and A. B. Grabovskiy
pdfHydrophysical and Hydrochemical Characteristics of the Sea Areas Adjacent to the Estuaries of Small Rivers of the Russian Coast of the Black Sea
Oceanology, 2014. P. O. Zavialov, P. N. Makkaveev, B. V. Konovalov, A. A. Osadchiev, P. V. Khlebopashev, V. V. Pelevin A. B. Grabovskiy, A. S. Izhitskiy, I. V. Goncharenko, D. M. Soloviev, and A. A. Polukhin