Alexander Osadchiev

Alexander Osadchiev
2009 M.Sc. in Mathematics, Moscow State University, Russia
2014 Ph.D. in Mathematics and Physics, Shirshov Oceanology Institute, Russia
Research interests:
Alexander research is focused on land-ocean interactions with special emphasis on river plumes and associated transport of terrigenous material, nutrients, and pollutants. My principal goal is to improve our understanding of the underlying dynamics of these processes and their influence on coastal ecosystems. My research is based on statistical analysis of in situ and satellite data as well as numerical modeling using Lagrangian and Eulerian ocean models
On June 15, 2021, A.A. Osadchiev for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The topic of the dissertation is "Structure, dynamics and variability of river plumes". The dissertation is a generalization of many years of research on river plumes carried out by A.A. Osadchiev in various regions of the World Ocean: in the Black Sea, in the seas of the Russian Arctic, in the seas of East Asia. The significance of studies of river plumes carried out by A.A. Osadchiev, is determined by their significant contribution to understanding the interaction of the ocean with land waters, which affects many physical, biological and geochemical processes in the coastal and shelf zones of the sea. River plumes, being a transitional water mass between river runoff and sea waters, provide the transformation and redistribution of global flows of matter between land and the World Ocean. A.A. Osadchiev was the first to create a specialized theory of the formation, propagation and mixing of small river plumes, which account for about 25% of the volume of fresh water and 40% of the volume of terrigenous suspension entering the World Ocean from land. In addition, A.A. Osadchiev carried out comprehensive studies of large-scale transport and transformation of freshwater runoff in the Russian sector of the Arctic, which plays a key role in the variability of the ice cover and regional albedo, which affects climate processes on a global scale.
Based on the materials of the doctoral dissertation of A.A. Osadchiev in December 2021, the Scientific World publishing house published the monograph River Plumes. This monograph became, in fact, the first book in Russian, in which the processes of propagation and transformation of river runoff into the sea and its influence on hydrophysical processes in the coastal and shelf zones are described consistently and in detail.
Science articles
Decline in Ice Coverage and Ice-Free Period Extension in the Kara and Laptev Seas during 1979–2022
Remote Sensing, 2024. Pavel Shabanov, Alexander Osadchiev, Natalya Shabanova and Stanislav Ogorodov
pdfStudy of the Characteristics of Internal Waves in the Kara Sea and Their Influence on Turbulent Heat and Momentum Fluxes over the Sea Surface
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2024. E. A. Marchuka, I. P. Chunchuzova, O. E. Popova, I. A. Repinaa, I. E. Kozlovc, K. P. Silvestrova, A. A. Osadchiev, N. B. Stepanovad, and O. M. Johannessen
pdfBenthic communities under methane gradient in the Laptev and East Siberian seas
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2024. Olga Konovalova, Nadezhda Rimskaya-Korsakova, Petr Kuznetsov, Alexander Osadchiev,Maria Fedyaeva, Iuliia Moiseeva, Darya Purgina, Denis Kosmach and Igor Semiletov
pdfImproved sea surface salinity data for the Arctic Ocean derived from SMAP satellite data using machine learning approaches
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024. Alexander Savin, Mikhail Krinitskiy and Alexander Osadchiev
pdfThe roles of river discharge and sea ice melting in formation of freshened surface layers in the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian seas
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024. Alexander Osadchiev, Ekaterina Kuskova and Vladimir Ivanov
pdfStructure of the Ob-Yenisei plume in the Kara Sea shortly before autumn ice formation
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023. Alexander Osadchiev, Zinaida Zabudkina, Vladimir Rogozhin, Dmitry Frey, Alexandra Gordey, Eduard Spivak, Anatoly Salyuk, Igor Semiletov and Roman Sedakov
pdfSatellite-Based Evaluation of Submarine Permafrost Erosion at Shallow Offshore Areas in the Laptev Sea
Remote Sensing, 2023. Alexander Osadchiev, Polina Adamovskaya, Stanislav Myslenkov, Oleg Dudarev and Igor Semiletov
pdfIntense zonal freshwater transport in the Eurasian Arctic during ice‑covered season revealed by in situ measurements
Scientific Reports, 2023. Alexander Osadchiev, Roman Sedakov, Dmitry Frey, Alexandra Gordey, Vladimir Rogozhin, Zinaida Zabudkina, Eduard Spivak, Ekaterina Kuskova, Andrey Sazhin & Igor Semiletov
pdfInfluence of the Coriolis Force on Spreading of River Plumes
Remote Sensing, 2023. Alexander Osadchiev, Ivan Alfimenkov and Vladimir Rogozhin
pdfThe Finding of Pogonophorans (Annelida, Siboglinidae) in the St. Anna Trough (Kara Sea) in an Area of Gas Hydrate Dissociation
Доклады и тезисы, 2023. N. N. Rimskaya-Korsakova, N. P. Karaseva, A. A. Osadchiev, I. P. Semiletov, M. M. Gantsevich, D. A. Yurikova, and Academician V. V. Malakhov
pdfSynoptic and Seasonal Variability of Small River Plumes in the Northeastern Part of the Black Sea
Water MDPI, 2023. Evgeniya Korshenko, Irina Panasenkova, Alexander Osadchiev, Pelagiya Belyakova and Vladimir Fomin
pdfSurface microplastics in the Kara Sea: from the Kara Gate to the 83°N
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023. Anfisa Berezina, Svetlana Pakhomova, Igor Zhdanov, Olga Mekhova, Tatiana Polivanova, Matvei Novikov, Maria Pogojeva, Alexander Osadchiev, Natalia Stepanova and Evgeniy Yakushev
pdfStructure and variability of the Pechora plume in the southeastern part of the Barents Sea
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023. Vladimir Rogozhin, Alexander Osadchiev, and Olga Konovalova
pdfSMAP Sea Surface Salinity Improvement in the Arctic Region Using Machine Learning Approaches
Machine Learning In Natural Sciences, 2023. A. S. Savin, M.A.Krinitskiy, and A. A. Osadchiev
pdfRiverine Litter Flux to the Northeastern Part of the Black Sea
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023. Maria Pogojeva, Evgeniya Korshenko and Alexander Osadchiev