Peter O. Zavialov

Peter O. Zavialov
Head of the laboratory

Peter O. Zavialov

Date of birth:  August 5, 1966

Professional experience: 
2007-present: Deputy Director, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences;
2005–present: Department Head, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences;
2001–2005: Leading Researcher, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences;
1999–2001: Researcher, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences;
1994–1999: Visiting Lecturer/Researcher, University of Rio Grande, Brazil;
1992–1994: Research Assistant, Oregon State University, USA;
1989–1992: Graduate Student, State Oceanographic Institute, Russia;
1983-1989: Student, Moscow State University, Russia.

• M.Sc. (Russian equivalent) in physics– 1989, Moscow State University;
• Ph.D. (Russian equivalent -“Candidate of Sciences”) in physical oceanography – 1992, State Oceanographic Institute, Moscow, Russia;
• D.Sc. (“Doctor of Sciences” - Habilitation) in oceanography – 2000, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, Russia.

Honors, awards, appointments:
Associate ("Corresponding") Member, Russian Academy of Sciences (2016);
Honorary Professor, Russian Academy of Sciences (2015);
Diploma for the best article published by MAIK/Nauka publishers (2011);
Certificate of commendation, WCRP/IHDP/IGPB Young Scientist Contest (2001); 

EC member and national contact, IAPSO;
Member and national contact, BRICS WG on ocean and polar research;
Lead author, Working Group 2, IPCC Assessment Report 5 (2011-2013);
Member of editorial board, Oceanology journal;
Member of editorial board, Oceanological Research journal;
Member of editorial board, Water Resources journal;
Member of editorial board, Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics journal;
Member of editorial board, Geosystems of Transition Zones journal.

Summary statement of research interests and experience
I am a physical oceanographer with background in general physics. At the early stages of my career, at the State Oceanographic Institute, Russia, and, subsequently, Oregon State University, USA, my research mainly focused on small-scale processes and mixing in the upper layer of the ocean. Later, during my 5-years long work at the University of Rio Grande, Brazil, I shifted towards observational regional oceanography of the Southwestern Atlantic ocean, comprising the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence region and the adjacent shelf areas. At that time, I also started to focus on continental freshwater discharges into the ocean, and their impacts on coastal circulations. My results of that period were associated with the assessment of the impacts of freshwater runoff into the ocean from the La Plata Estuary and the Patos lagoon. After returning to Russia and accepting a position at  the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, my interests drifted further towards coastal oceanography, as well as marginal and inland seas, and terrestrial water bodies. In particular, I have gathered considerable experience in field work in the northeastern shelf of the Black Sea, focusing on anthropogenic pollution of the coastal zone, and interactions between the local river discharges and mesoscale shelf circulations. Further, since 2002, I have led a research programme dedicated to the Aral Sea, a major salty lake in the Central Asia, presently undergoing severe desiccation and salinization attributed to anthropogenic diversions of water from tributary rivers, as well as the climate change effects. This research programme, which included 21 field surveys of the lake accomplished to date, helped to reveal the present physical regime of the water body, assess details of its water budget, and formulate some predictions for the future. My secondary lines of research also comprise new methods of remote sensing of the coastal zone, and groundwater – sea water interactions. The geographic areas of my interest and some expertise include, in addition to those mentioned above, the South China Sea  and the Taiwan Strait, the Kara Sea, the Caspian Sea, and Lake Issyk Kul. 

Ph.D. students supervised:
A.A. Osadchiev – successful completion in 2013;
A.S. Izhitskiy - successful completion in 2014;
N.V. Zhurbas - successful completion in 2015;
V.V. Pelevin - successful completion in 2017;
N.Yu. Andrulionis – in progress;
S.A. Rozhdestvenskiy – in progress.

Publications: Overall, about 90 papers and 4 books. Only the most important/relevant are listed below. For more complete list, please see  

  Science articles

Are Periodic Oscillations of Sea Surface Height Inherent to River Plumes?

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021. Peter O. Zavialov


A Study of Circulation, Turbulence, and Tidal Stream Resources in the Taiwan Strait

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020. Konstantin A. Korotenko, Peter O. Zavialov, Yang-Yih Chen and Hsien Hua Lee


Structure and Dynamics of Plumes Generated by Small Rivers

Estuaries and Coastal Zones, 2019. Alexander Osadchiev and Peter Zavialov


Dissolved methane in the residual basins of the Aral Sea

Environmental Research Letters, 2019. E.S. Izhitskaya, A.V. Egorov, P.O. Zavialov, E.V. Yakushev, A.S. Izhitskiy


High resolution LiDAR measurements reveal fine internal structure and variability of sediment-carrying coastal plume

P.O. Zavialov, V.V. Pelevin, N.A. Belyaev, A.S. Izhitskiy, B.V. Konovalov, V.V. Krementskiy, I.V. Goncharenko, A.A. Osadchiev, D.M. Soloviev, C.A.E. Garcia, E.S. Pereira, L. Sartorato, O.O. Moller Jr.


New profiling and mooring records help to assess variability of Lake Issyk-Kul and reveal unknown features of its thermohaline structure

Peter O. Zavialov, Alexander S. Izhitskiy, Georgiy B. Kirillin, Valentina M. Khan, Boris V. Konovalov, Peter N. Makkaveev, Vadim V. Pelevin, Nikolay A. Rimskiy-Korsakov, Salmor A. Alymkulov, and Kubanychbek M. Zhumaliev


Hydrophysical State of the Gulf of Feodosia in May 2015

Oceanology, 2017. Izhitskiy A.S., Zavialov P.O.


Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017. A. A. Osadchiev, A. S. Izhitskiy, P. O. Zavialov, V. V. Kremenetskiy, A. A. Polukhin, V. V. Pelevin, and Z. M. Toktamysova


Transport and bottom accumulation of fine river sediments under typhoon conditions and associated submarine landslides: case study of the Peinan River, Taiwan

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2016. A. A. Osadchiev, K. A. Korotenko, P. O. Zavialov, W.-S. Chiang, and C.-C. Liu


Present state of the Aral Sea: diverging physical and biological characteristics of the residual basins

Scientific Reports, 2016. A. S. Izhitskiy, P. O. Zavialov, P. V. Sapozhnikov, G. B. Kirillin, H. P. Grossart, O. Y. Kalinina, A. K. Zalota, I. V. Goncharenko & A. K. Kurbaniyazov


Geochemistry of Sediments in the Modern Aral Basin

Oceanology, 2015. G. N. Baturina, P. O. Zavjalov, J. Friedrich


Effect of Stratification on Wind Drift of River Runoff in the Kara Sea

Oceanology, 2015. N. V. Zhurbas,  P. O. Zavialov


Estimating the Deposition of RiverBorne Suspended Matter from the Joint Analysis of Suspension Concentration and Salinity

Oceanology, 2015. P. O. Zavialov, E. S. Barbanova, V. V. Pelevin, A. A. Osadchiev


The Structure of Thermohaline and BioOptical Fields in the Surface Layer of the Kara Sea in September 2011

Oceanology, 2015. P. O. Zavialov, A. S. Izhitskiy, A. A. Osadchiev, V. V. Pelevin, and A. B. Grabovskiy


Effects of bottom topography on dynamics of river discharges in tidal regions: case study of twin plumes in Taiwan Strait

Ocean Science, 2014. K. A. Korotenko, A. A. Osadchiev, P. O. Zavialov, R.-C. Kao, and C.-F. Ding

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