The vessel "Academician Boris Petrov" returned to a system
In the Chinese port of Tianjin repairs of the Academician Boris Petrov research vessel were completed. The ship with the team of scientists onboard went to scientific flight. As the head of the Scientific and coordination oceanologic center of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov RAHN Sergey Shapovalov noted, thanks to this flight Russia after a long break resumes researches in the Indian Ocean
Oceanologists developed the model of a research of the World Ocean which does not have analogs
The group of scientists of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov RAHN developed the Argo-Model Researches of the Global Ocean (AMRGO) which does not have analogs in the world and started creation of new arrays of the oceanologic data based on measurements of a system of the drifting buoys measuring instruments of "Slang". Results of a research are published in the Okeanologiya magazine. Works are supported by the Russian Scientific Fund (RSF)
The Atlantic cyclones reach even Yakutia
Article in the Independent newspaper of Konstantin Vladimirovich Lebedev - the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, the associate professor in "Oceanology", the senior research associate of Laboratory of sea currents of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov of RAS
The Darvinian museum invites to the photo exhibition "Science in High Latitudes"
State Darwin Museum and Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov of RAS represent the photo exhibition "Science in High Latitudes" (on January 26 - on April 17, 2016). The exhibition is devoted to work of scientists-oceanologists in the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea and on the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya.
Dear colleagues! Because of accident on city lines of MGTS communication in the building of IO RAS by landline numbers: 499-124-hkh-hkh, 499-129-hkh-hkh; 499-125-hkh-hkh; 499-724-hkh-hkh; 495-719-hkh-hkh - it is not possible and according to MGTS it will be restored not earlier than March 4