
Oceanologists developed the model of a research of the World Ocean which does not have analogs

Published: 25/01/2017 Times Read: 1690

The group of scientists of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov RAHN developed the Argo-Model Researches of the Global Ocean (AMRGO) which does not have analogs in the world and started creation of new arrays of the oceanologic data based on measurements of a system of the drifting buoys measuring instruments of "Slang". Results of a research are published in the Okeanologiya magazine. Works are supported by the Russian Scientific Fund (RSF).

The purpose of the international Slang project - creation and maintenance of permanent global network of oceanographic stations on the basis of the drifting buoys measuring instruments. The Slang project directed to collecting with use of satellites of information on oceanic thickness gives to scientists unique opportunities of continuous monitoring of a condition of the World Ocean. The Russian model allows to calculate a full range of characteristics of the ocean on the basis of data of the Slang system: temperature, salinity, density and that the most important, speed of currents.

"Operation of Slang measuring instruments happens according to the following scheme: the buoy drifting at a depth periodically emerges on a surface, taking temperature and salinity. The method of variation interpolation minimizes a deviation of the fields of temperature and salinity calculated in knots of a regular grid from irregularly located measurements in such a way that the received optimal solution passes most close to data of measurements", - the participant of the project, the senior research associate of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov RAHN Konstantin Lebedev explained the scheme of model.

The analysis of variability of expenses of the branches of the North Atlantic current getting into the Arctic which is carried out with use of data AMIGO showed that during 2005-2014 abnormal values of winter transfers of heat to which there correspond abnormally high or low values of winter temperatures in the regions of northwest Europe, the North of the European part of Russia and Iceland washed by these currents are observed. The comparative analysis of variability of expenses and transfers of heat by currents and the index of North Atlantic fluctuation for the studied period shows existence between them to well expressed communication.

Transfer of heat by the Norwegian current influences in a key way weather and climate of the North of the European territory of Russia. However existence of direct interrelation of pronounced weather anomalies of the last decade with variability of transfers of heat by the Norwegian current is shown for the first time by the Russian oceanologists. Also the similar interrelation between the atmospheric index of the North Atlantic fluctuation (SAKY) counted on the difference of atmospheric pressure between the Azorsky maximum and the Icelandic minimum, and transfer of heat by currents of Northern Atlantic to the coast of a northwest part of Europe is for the first time shown.

Works on creation of model within several years in several research organizations, in particular, the International center of studying of the Pacific Ocean at the University of Hawaii and Institute of oceanology of RAS.

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