
Igor Goncharenko died

Published: 12/02/2020 Times Read: 2736

On February 6, 2020, a senior researcher at the Laboratory of the land-ocean iteractions and the anthropogenic impact, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, tragically died in a car accident

Igor Goncharenko

Igor graduated from the Physics Department of Stavropol State University in 2000. In 2008, he defended a Ph.D.
Recently, Igor was mainly engaged in the development of remote optical methods for sounding the ocean. In particular, he created in many respects an innovative radiometric system for use from a ship or from an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Igor had an outstanding talent as an engineer and inventor. His colleagues working with him know that he could always easily solve the most difficult problem with electronics, computers, or any mechanisms. In numerous expeditions and at the institute, he always helped others and willingly shared his versatile knowledge.

The loss we have suffered is irreplaceable. We will always remember Igor as a talented scientist, a reliable companion on expeditions and all matters of the laboratory, a good and kind friend. In March, Igor would have turned 42 years old.

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