
The first expedition on studying of cetacea of the Black Sea took place

Published: 16/12/2018 Times Read: 1975

The first sea expedition of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS) on studying of cetacea of the Black Sea within the project financed by PJSC Rosneft took place.

According to employees of IO RAS the expedition took place successfully, the program of forwarding researches this year is executed in full. Observations were made both in the territorial sea, and beyond its limits with removal from the coast to 130 km.

Most often met dolphins-belobochek, is more rare афалин and it is single an azowok. Scientists watched behavior of animals, made photographing for the subsequent photoidentification, wrote down sound signals of dolphins. Were observed dolphins from air by means of the quadcopter.

By results of the conducted complex research employees of IO RAS plan to obtain more exact data on number and occurrence of these animals, and on their basis to develop recommendations about preservation of these marine mammals.

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