Научные статьи

Bottom Sediments Reveal Inter- Annual Variability of Interaction between the Ob and Yenisei Plumes in the Kara Sea

Scientific Reports, 2019. A. A. Osadchiev, En. E. Asadulin, A. Yu. Miroshnikov, I. B. Zavialov, E. O. Dubinina & P. A. Belyakova


Structure and Dynamics of Plumes Generated by Small Rivers

Estuaries and Coastal Zones, 2019. Alexander Osadchiev and Peter Zavialov


Dissolved methane in the residual basins of the Aral Sea

Environmental Research Letters, 2019. E.S. Izhitskaya, A.V. Egorov, P.O. Zavialov, E.V. Yakushev, A.S. Izhitskiy


Лабораторные исследования основного компонентного состава гипергалинных озер

Морской гидрофизический журнал, 2019. Н. Ю. Андрулионис, П. О. Завьялов


Spreading dynamics of small river plumes off the northeastern coast of the Black Sea observed by Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2

Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019. Osadchiev A.A., Sedakov R.O.


Особенности отображения выносов рек в Чёрном море в данных дистанционного зондирования

Sovr. Probl. DZZ Kosm., 2018. А.Ю. Иванов, Д.В. Хлебников, Б.В. Коновалов, Н.В. Евтушенко, Н.В. Терлеева


High resolution LiDAR measurements reveal fine internal structure and variability of sediment-carrying coastal plume

P.O. Zavialov, V.V. Pelevin, N.A. Belyaev, A.S. Izhitskiy, B.V. Konovalov, V.V. Krementskiy, I.V. Goncharenko, A.A. Osadchiev, D.M. Soloviev, C.A.E. Garcia, E.S. Pereira, L. Sartorato, O.O. Moller Jr.


New profiling and mooring records help to assess variability of Lake Issyk-Kul and reveal unknown features of its thermohaline structure

Peter O. Zavialov, Alexander S. Izhitskiy, Georgiy B. Kirillin, Valentina M. Khan, Boris V. Konovalov, Peter N. Makkaveev, Vadim V. Pelevin, Nikolay A. Rimskiy-Korsakov, Salmor A. Alymkulov, and Kubanychbek M. Zhumaliev


Small mountainous rivers generate high-frequency internal waves in coastal ocean

Scientific Reports, 2018. Osadchiev A.A.


Hydrophysical State of the Gulf of Feodosia in May 2015

Oceanology, 2017. Izhitskiy A.S., Zavialov P.O.


Способ оценки содержания примесей в морских водах с помощью оперативной спектрофотометрии

Oceanology, 2017. В. В. Ростовцева, Б. В. Коновалов, И. В. Гончаренко, Д. В. Хлебников


Распространение плюма реки Амур в Амурском лимане, Сахалинском заливе и Татарском проливе

Oceanology, 2017. А. А. Осадчиев


Small river plumes off the northeastern coast of the Black Sea under average climatic and flooding discharge conditions

Ocean Science, 2017. Alexander Osadchiev and Evgeniya Korshenko


Ground truth data on chlorophyll-a, chromophoric dissolved organic matter and suspended sediment concentrations in the upper water layer as obtained by LIF lidar at high spatial resolution

Remote Sensing, 2017. Vadim Pelevin, Andras Zlinszky, Elizaveta Khimchenko & Viktor Toth


Structure of the buoyant plume formed by Ob and Yenisei river discharge in the southern part of the Kara Sea during summer and autumn

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017. A. A. Osadchiev, A. S. Izhitskiy, P. O. Zavialov, V. V. Kremenetskiy, A. A. Polukhin, V. V. Pelevin, and Z. M. Toktamysova


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