The vessel "Academician Boris Petrov" returned to a system
In the Chinese port of Tianjin repairs of the Academician Boris Petrov research vessel were completed. The ship with the team of scientists onboard went to scientific flight. As the head of the Scientific and coordination oceanologic center of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov RAHN Sergey Shapovalov noted, thanks to this flight Russia after a long break resumes researches in the Indian Ocean.
On January 5, 2017 after four years' repair Tianjin (People's Republic of China) came to shipyards in an expedition of NIS "Academician Boris Petrov" (flight No. 42). In an expedition the wide complex of works which main part will be carried out in the Indian Ocean is planned. Complex researches - geophysical, gazo-geochemical, geological, hydrophysical, meteorological, hydrobiological and ecological - will be conducted near the East Indo-ocean ridge. Also performance of two meridional hydrological cuts on Equatorial Countercurrent of Tareev is planned.
All these researches will be a contribution of Russia to the large international project - "The Second International Indo-ocean Expedition" (IIOE-2) - carried out under the auspices of Scientific committee on oceanic researches (SCOR) and the Intergovernmental oceanographic commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO) during 2015-2020.
The expedition is organized by Council for the hydrosphere of Earth of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. The leading researcher of IO RAS O.V. Levchenko heads an expedition. Scientists of Institute of oceanology of P.P. Shirshov of RAS, Pacific oceanologic institute of V.I. Ilyichev and Institute of automatic equipment and management processes of the Far East office of RAS and also Institute of sea biological researches of A.O. Kowalewski of RAS (Sevastopol) and Institute of optics of the atmosphere of V.E. Zuev of the Siberian office of RAS participate in an expedition.
The modern scientific equipment will allow to study geologic-geophysical features of the East Indo-ocean ridge, structure and dynamics of the equatorial currents, to execute hydrobiological, gas-geochemical and rtutometrichesky researches on all way of the vessel. Right after an entry in the Yellow Sea measurements of content of methane, hydrochemical parameters of a blanket of thickness of waters and concentration of atomic mercury in a surface layer to the atmosphere were begun, meteorological observations are carried out and there is a setup of the equipment for work in deep-water areas.
Duration of an expedition will be 85 days during which it is planned to execute not only the basic Indo-ocean program of works, but also to pass with passing measurements through the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar, along the Atlantic coast of Europe, through the Northern and Baltic seas, having ended an expedition in the port of Kaliningrad.