

Published: 03/03/2016 Times Read: 1600

Dear colleagues! Because of accident on city lines of MGTS communication in the building of IO RAS by landline numbers: 499-124-hkh-hkh, 499-129-hkh-hkh; 499-125-hkh-hkh; 499-724-hkh-hkh; 495-719-hkh-hkh - it is not possible and according to MGTS it will be restored not earlier than March 4 

Now it is possible to receive incoming calls on the general multichannel number IO RAS 495-380-41-50 with the subsequent set of the extension in the tone mode.

To the city and on mobile communication pass outcoming calls at all who had general settings on digital communication lines. Problems arise at those to whom direct old lines on an exit to the city were will) (at kept.

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